Free Images For Websites Biography
Source( pathfinder is designed to assist in seeking out biographical information on authors. This information can at times be difficult to find. This should aid in searching out hard to find author information.
Internet Resources | IPL Resources | Other Online Resources
Local Library | Databases | Reference Books
Internet Resources:
Author Yellow Pages-
This website includes a blurb about the author and also directs visitors to various other websites pertaining to the author.
Authors on the Web-
Various web listings of author’s websites.
Author Calendar-
This websites has a large list of author information. As well as biographical information there also is listings of all of the books they have written.
This website is mostly for finding used and out of print books but they also have over 300 author biographies.
This website has many resources to help with homework and research.
A division of A&E Network, is specifically for biographical information on various individual. You can search for a specific author to obtain information on them.
Fantastic Fiction-
There are thousands of authors who have information on this website. Usually the author has a brief blurb and a listing of all the books they have written.
LitWeb has over 500 author biographies from various periods of time.
Short Biographies-
This websites has biographies from people all over the world.
WebSmart Links to Young Adult Authors-
Richmond Heights Library has set up a website with links to many young adult authors.
IPL Resources:
The IPL has a section on their website for authors. This section links to other websites that have information on various authors.
This IPL links to Contemporary Fiction. There are links here to various information on different types of fiction.
In the Ready Reference Biography section there is a link to various Authors.
For the youth searching materials they can check out the KidSpace Reading Zone. There is a section for authors.
For Authors A-K
For Authors L-Z
Local Library:
There are also local libraries that will have information about authors in their collections. Librarians are extremely helpful and will be willing to answer any questions. Feel free to ask them about your favorite author and they can help find out any information. They may also have databases that are specifically geared toward the kinds of information you are seeking. Often a password is required for these databases so it is essential to go to the local library to obtain that password.
You may be able to access one or more of these databases for free through your local library's website, so be sure to contact your local library and find out.
Infotrac-Gale Group-
Biography Resource Center-there are many websites, articles, images, and biographical information to be found in this database.
Literature Resource Center-this database also searches through many articles and criticisms as well as biographical information.
Literary Reference Center-The database EBSCO hosts this particular database. There are many author biographies as well as other literary references.
Literature Online Reference Edition-this database has references and criticisms which also include information on author biographies.
Wilson Web's Biography Plus-this database only has biographical information.
Reference Books:
These are a few books to start research. There are many other books in the same call number areas that will help with research as well. The call numbers listed below are areas to look in for further information.
Call Numbers:
D= Dewey Decimal Numbers
L= Library of Congress
Contemporary authors autobiography series. (1984). Detroit, Mich: Gale Research.
D= 920
L= PN453.C63
Gale Research Company. (1962). Contemporary authors; a bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television and other fields. Detroit: Gale Research.
D= 920
L= PZ1224.C65
Gale Research Company. (1971). Something about the author. Detroit, Mich: Gale Research.
D= 920
L= PN451.S6
Gale Research Company. (1986). Something about the author. Autobiography series. Detroit, Mich: Gale Research.
D= 920
L= PN497.S66
Popkin, M. (1978). Modern black writers. A Library of literary criticism. New York: Ungar.
D= 809.889
L= PN841.M58
Pringle, D. (1996). St. James guide to fantasy writers. St. James guide to writers series. New York: St. James Press.
D= 809.3876
L= PN3435
Salem Press. (2005). Cyclopedia of young adult authors. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press.
Showalter, E., Baechler, L ., & Litz, A. W. (1991). Modern American women writers. New York: Scribner.
D= 809.8928
L= PN71
Dewey Call Numbers:
809 Literary History and Criticism
810 American Literature in English
820 English and Old English Literature
840 Literatures of Romance Languages
920 Biography and Genealogy
Library of Congress Call Numbers:
The area around call number P is the Language and Literature section. These other areas are more specific areas.
PN Literature
PN451-497 Biography
PN841 Black Literature
PR English Literature
PR111-116 British Women Authors
PS American Literature
PS126-138 American Biographies
PS147-152 Women Authors
PZ Fiction and Juvenile
This pathfinder was created by Beth Baldwin for LIS5916, Virtual Reference Environments, Dr. Lorri Mon, Florida State University, Fall 2007.
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